Three Things Every American Should Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of our most important and uniquely American holidays, and Thanksgiving gives us a chance to reflect on what is important to us and what binds us together. Here are three things every American should be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

As Americans, we should always strive to do what is best for our families. As long as we support families in this country, America will thrive. This Thanksgiving, pray for your family and friends.

The United States is the best country in the world. Because of the leadership and vision of our forefathers, our nation was founded to respect individual liberty and rights. We must be vigilant in our defense of what we have been given and never take it for granted. This Thanksgiving, take some time to pray for our great nation.

America was founded on Christian values. In a world shrouded in darkness, America and her values continue to shine through. Freedom of religion is one of the most critical building blocks of our nation, and I thank God for the beautiful country he created for us. This Thanksgiving, remember to thank God for everything he does for our families and nation.

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